How To Find Q1 In Google Sheets

How to find q1 in Google sheets

In statistics, the middle 50% of any dataset is what is commonly referred to as Interquartile range(IQR) denoted as q1 which is an abbreviation for Quartile 1. This statistical dispersion measure can be found using the Quartile or Percentile functions. By the use of the quartile/ percentile function, your data can be divided into equal parts that are; 0-25, 25-50, 50-75, and 75-100 quarters/ Percentages.

Now dividing your dataset into four equal parts will mean that you have three cut marks that are, quarter 1(Q1) at 25th mark, quarter 2(Q2) at the 50th mark, then quarter 3(Q3) at the 75th mark, out of 100 points or units. The interquartile range will, therefore, be the difference between the 75th mark and 25th mark/percentile or (Q3-Q1).

In this tutorial, I am going to show you two simple methods of finding this statistical dispersion measure.

Method 1

Using the Quartile Function

Suppose you have a dataset as shown below.

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To find quartile 1(q1), click a cell where you want your result to be displayed then key in the formula =QUARTILE(data range,1) then click ENTER. In our case, our formulae will be like this =QUARTILE(G1:G20,1)

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Method 2

Using the percentile function

Using the percentile function is more the same as the quartile function. The difference is only replacing the quartile function with a percentile function. Thus, our formulas will change into this:

Quartile 1(q1) will be calculated using the formula

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Google sheets are an online web browser spreadsheet that allows users to key in data and do analysis just like in Microsoft excel. Its advantage is that your data is automatically saved in google drive hence no risk of losing data even when the power goes off. Besides, it has more simplified formulas to do calculations and perform other activities. Furthermore, one can invite others to work on the spreadsheet with you. Also, it allows you to make changes to the file without having to destroy the original document. When you are done making changes, you can simply download it where sheets are going to convert it back to excel files, ready to be used by Microsoft excel once again.